Forever Foundation

You can leave a lasting legacy to the Hospice with a gift to the Forever Foundation.
What is the Forever Foundation?
The Forever Foundation is Mary Potter Hospice’s capital endowment trust, established to ensure our services are available for future generations, and stay free of charge.
As our population grows and people continue to live longer, the demand for our specialist palliative care services will also grow. To meet the needs of our communities, our costs will only continue to increase, while funding provided by the Government will continue to decline.
The goal of the Forever Foundation is to raise over $20 million to be invested to produce an income to help run our day to day Hospice care services. This would allow us to continue providing our services free of charge for generations to come, reducing the strain on our fundraising programmes, which we rely on heavily.
To find out how to leave a gift to the Forever Foundation please visit our gift in your Will page.
How the Forever Foundation is managed
The Forever Foundation is a separate charitable trust (Registered Charity CC32009) and is managed by nominated Trustees.
The Trustees manage the Forever Foundation funds wisely to ensure it delivers a steady income to assist the Hospice’s annual service costs. This allows continued provision and expansion of palliative care services for the long-term benefit of people living in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti.
Trustees of the Forever Foundation
Malcolm Bruce – Chair of the Audit, Finance and Investment Committee
Martin Lenart
Sumati Govind