You can access a number of resources to support you and your family or whānau here.
Guidelines for self-administration of medications
Mary Potter Hospice doctors have created videos to provide training to patients and carer for self-administration of medications. They can be used following advice from Hospice staff on which medication is most suitable for the patient and how it is best given.
- Giving Sublingual Medication
- Inserting a Subcutaneous Line
- Connecting a Loaded Syringe Driver
- Drawing Up Medication from a Plastic Ampoule
- Drawing up Medication from a Glass Ampoule
- Setting Up a Syringe Driver
- Preparing and giving a subcutaneous injection
If you are a patient or carer, and have questions about anything in these videos please call us on 04 801 006 at any time.
Please ask Hospice staff for copies of brochures, or you can access them digitally here:
- Our Services – An introduction to Mary Potter Hospice’s services
- A Guide For Carers – Helpful information from Hospice New Zealand
- About Grief – Helpful information on the grieving process
- Assistive Equipment – Information about equipment that is available to assist people to be as independent and as safe as possible in their daily lives
- Coping with Bereavement – This describes some of the common feelings you may experience when someone close to you dies
- Counselling Services – Our counselling services provide the opportunity to explore issues and feelings with a trained professional before, or after, the death of a loved one
- Funeral/Tangihanga Planning – Our social workers and Māori Liaison at Mary Potter Hospice are happy to work alongside you and your family as you make decisions about an appropriate funeral or farewell event
Hospice New Zealand
Hospice New Zealand also has many resources and publications available to help you.
Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care and end-of-life care. The important first steps are thinking about and talking about what you want – because it’s the conversations and the shared understanding of what matters that makes the biggest difference. The Advance Care Planning website provides information on how you can do this.
Multilingual information for patients and carers about palliative care
Find more information about palliative care, funeral planning, becoming a care giver and more on the Poi Project’s website.
A glossary of terms that you may come across in your care
ACP | Advance Care Planning |
AFI | Audit Finance Investment (Committee) |
AHP | Allied Health Professional |
APC | Annual Practicing Certificate |
ARC | Aged Residential Care |
CCC | Care Coordination Centre |
CCDHB | Capital Coast District Health Board |
CEP | Central Equipment Pool |
CHS | Community Health Services |
DHB | District Health Board |
DN | District Nurse |
EOLC | End of Life Care |
HCA | Health Care Assistant |
HO | House Officer |
IPU | Inpatient Unit |
LDOL | Last Days of Life |
MECA | Multi Employer Collective Agreement |
MO | Medical Officer |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPA | Mary Potter Apartments |
NZNO | New Zealand Nurses Organisation |
OCS | (Cleaning company) |
PCC | Palliative Care Coordinator |
PCP | Palliative Care Plan |
PERQI | Professional Education, Research and Quality Improvement |
SMO | Senior Medical Officer |
SPC | Specialist Palliative Care |