Te takohaDonate


Donate to help keep Mary Potter Hospice's care free

Your donation will help keep hospice care free for people in your local community.

Mary Potter Hospice is a free of charge service for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families or whānau. We support patients and their families so they can make the most of the time they have left together.

Right now, your donation is urgently needed to help over 300 husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, partners, friends, neighbours and colleagues in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti in our care.

Whether you’re donating in memory of a loved one, in appreciation of hospice care, or simply because you believe in the work we do – thank you. It’s people like you that make our work possible.

Donate by credit card or POLi Internet Banking

Donate by bank transfer

You can make a single, monthly or annual donation from your bank account by online transfer/internet banking.

Our account details: The Mary Potter Hospice Foundation: 01-0537-0020909-05
If your bank needs a 3-digit suffix please enter -005

For international bank transfer:
Account Name The Mary Potter Hospice Foundation
IBAN 010537002090905
Swift Code ANZBNZ22
BSB (for Australia) 010537

Mary Potter Hospice is registered with major banks as a pre-loaded Bill Payee. Use your bank’s search function to find ‘Mary Potter Hospice’.

Regular giving

Starlight Circle supporters give a set donation of their choice every month, ensuring Mary Potter Hospice can provide quality care to all who need it. Find out more

Donate by mail

You can make a donation by credit card, either by post or scan; or send us the details of your internet banking donation; by printing this donation form and sending it with your donation.

Contact our donations team

Mary Potter Hospice
Freepost 3053
PO Box 7442
Wellington 6242

Donation line 0800 627 976
International calls +64 4 381 0158