Contact us

We’re here to answer your queries and questions.
Inpatient Unit and general enquiries
04 801 0006 (24 hours)
Contact our Intake Triage Clinical Nurse Specialist on 04 801 0006 or email
Mary Potter Hospice – Wellington Community Hospice and Inpatient Unit
48 – 52 Mein Street
PO Box 7442
Wellington 6242
Phone 04 801 0006
Parking is very limited at Mary Potter Hospice in Newtown, especially between 8.30am and 3.30pm. We recommend you use public transport or take a taxi/Uber. The closest bus stop is Wellington Hospital. For bus routes and timetables you can phone Metlink on 0800 801 700 or use the journey planner. There is a paid car park at Wellington Hospital, a five minute walk away from the Hospice. Find more information about parking rates and hours here.
Mary Potter Community Hospice, Te Whare Rānui – Porirua
10 Awatea Street
Ranui Heights
PO Box 7442
Wellington 6242
Phone 04 237 7563
There is no parking available at Te Whare Rānui, however parking is available on Awatea Street and Kivell Street. Te Whare Rānui is an eight minute walk from Porirua Station and a ten minute walk from surrounding bus stops. For train/bus routes and timetables you can phone Metlink on 0800 801 700 or use the journey planner.
Mary Potter Community Hospice – Kāpiti
36 Warrimoo Street
PO Box 7442
Wellington 6242
Phone 04 296 1283
There is limited parking at the Kāpiti Community Base and limited parking on Warrimoo Street. The Kāpiti Community Base is an 11 minute walk from Paraparaumu Station and a five minute walk from surrounding bus stops. For train/bus routes and timetables you can phone Metlink on 0800 801 700 or use the journey planner.
Donations and fundraising
Freepost 3053
PO Box 7442
Wellington 6242
Phone 0800 627 976
International calls +64-4-381-0158
Hospice Shops
Retail Support Centre
(For general enquiries and to arrange collection of donated goods or online sales)
04 237 2300 (Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm)
Book a free collection of your donated goods
View our Hospice Shop locations, contact details and hours