Information for visitors

Mary Potter Hospice is committed to supporting our patients with care and compassion.
We will maintain access to our services for whānau and friends, while balancing the safety of our patients, staff, volunteers and our wider communities.
We respectfully ask that all families and whānau help us to protect others in our care at the Hospice.
Page last updated Thursday 15 September 2022
Visiting the Inpatient Unit (IPU) in Newtown
Some restrictions apply to visiting a patient in the Inpatient Unit in Newtown. We strongly recommended that you phone first. Our visiting policy considers many Covid- and patient-related factors to ensure the safety of patients, whānau and staff. Please call us on 04 801 0006 (24 hours).
Visiting hours are 8am–8pm, unless by prior arrangement.
What to expect when you arrive to visit
You will be asked screening questions at the entry door before you are allowed in. Visitors with no suspicion of COVID-19 can enter the Inpatient Unit. Visitors with known COVID-19 contact or symptoms will not be able to visit and will be directed to contact Healthline or their GP.
All visitors to the Inpatient Unit must wear a medical mask. We will provide you with a new single-use medical mask at the entry door. Medical masks provide a higher level of protection from COVID-19, so cloth masks are not permitted.
Please sanitise your hands on arrival and maintain physical distancing.
Other ways of staying in touch with patients
We encourage patients to nominate a family member to help with communication with whānau and friends. Our staff can also help you and your loved one stay connected by phone or video conference.
Visiting Te Whare Rānui – Porirua Community Hospice
If you wish to visit, we recommend you phone first to check what restrictions are in place. Please call us on 04 237 7563.
Visiting Kāpiti Community Hospice
If you wish to visit, we recommend you phone first to check what restrictions are in place. Please call us on 04 296 1283.
For more COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or visit the Ministry of Health’s website. For information and resources specifically for Māori, please visit Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā’s website.
Thank you for your understanding.